Posts tagged Town of Cochrane
Paul's 'Wheeling and Walking' blog - Active Transportation

Hello! If you’re reading this, you’re hopefully one of the many people who responded to our survey to tell Bike Cochrane that your #1 issue for us to advocate is ‘Improving Connectivity in Cochrane for Wheeling and Walking’!

Today, I wanted to share with our members some of the research your Active Transportation Committee has been doing around intersections in town. See below a clip of Strava Metro’s user data for the intersection of highway 22 and Fireside/James Walker Trail. Note that Strava (a self-recorded app for phones and wearable devices to track runners, cyclists, walkers) has opened their data set to Bike Cochrane to assist us in our efforts to advocate for improvements in cycling infrastructure. It will be supplemented with our planned traffic studies this summer using old-fashioned clipboards along with bike counter sensors, but for now it’s useful as a data set to set how our cyclists and walking traffic has increased dramatically (in the case below by 78% year over year from 2019 to 2020).

This data set helped Bike Cochrane push Alberta Transportation to prioritize re-painting this and other intersections ASAP in early 2021. It is also helping inform our project prioritizations with the Town of Cochrane and other stakeholders.

If you’re interested in this kind of data, and in advocating for safer cycling connectivity in Cochrane, please reach out to, and please fill in our Active Transportation Survey

James Walker Hwy 22.JPG
Paul’s Wheeling and Walking Blog

Active Transportation Committee Update - 14 Dec 2020

Did you know that the Town of Cochrane commissioned a Bicycle Plan back in 2012 with strong recommendations to guide our town’s development towards being a better community for active transportation? This document, along with many, many hours of research into cycling infrastructure is what has been guiding Bike Cochrane’s Active Transportation Committee’s prioritized projects.

It is with these researched proposals, informed with cycling and pedestrian data, that Bike Cochrane will advocate for improvements in our town’s pathway network. Are you interested in being involved in this research and advocacy to improve your ability to bike your kids to school, or bike to work?

We will be presenting to Town Council on 25 Jan 2021 with our first priority project to begin seeking alignment and funding support. We plan to do active traffic studies this summer to supplement the data sets we’ve been gathering already. We have just launched our first survey of Bike Cochrane’s membership and will be fanning that out to the community to solicit further engagement and feedback.

Email Paul at to see how you can help this effort. Watch this space for updates from our research as we begin to share some of our learnings with our membership and the greater community!
