Group Rides!


Looking for Mountain Bike Group Rides in West Bragg Creek or Moose Mountain? Visit The Shred Collective to find more group ride options outside of Bike Cochrane

Vist our full Events Calendar to see Group ride dates at a glance

In order to join a group ride, you must sign up and sign our waiver HERE.


Bike Cochrane is excited to finally be able to offer group rides to our members! With terrific volunteers stepping up to offer ‘home’ and ‘away’ rides, our members have an opportunity to both experience our local trails and routes, but also be shown some of the best our area has to offer! Ride location will be determined a week before the ride. We try to focus our rides on our Cochrane trails, but once a month, we try to do a ride in the local area as well.

Plan to be self-sufficient (pack your own water, spare tubes, food), but we expect that the local rides will be open to adults, children, and families. Must bring your own bike and a CSA certified bike helmet.

See the Events Calendar for specific dates, and email Shane, our Group Ride Coordinator at if you’d like to volunteer to lead or sweep a group ride.

MTB Rides!

Bike Cochrane currently does not have a Mountain Bike group ride leader. We suggest, if you’re looking for rides outside of Cochrane, to check out The Shred Collective.

Gravel GROUP Rides!

Bike Cochrane is also pleased to be able to offer group gravel rides. Come and experience the fastest-growing style of biking with Robert, our Gravel Bike Ambassador.

Please reach out to Robert at with any questions, or if you’d like to volunteer to lead or sweep a group gravel ride.

GROUP road rides!

Road Rides are currently only hold until we find a Volunteer to lead them.

There is a wide variety of road bike rides starting from Cochrane and in the area.  Many rides will start from Cochrane while others will start from Calgary, Canmore, Banff, Turner Valley, etc.  For out of town rides, you are responsible for getting to the start point, including car pooling if you like.  Most rides will be on the weekend.

All road rides will be “no drop” rides.  We will match our pace to the group and have frequent stops to eat, drink, take a break, or just to enjoy the scenery.  No one will be left behind.  This is a social event, not a race.  We do stop for coffee shops, pubs, and convenience stores.

To enjoy road biking, it’s highly recommended that you have a road bike, helmet, gloves, bike clothes, and be able to cycle for 2-3 hours.  You should bring water, a snack, and any extra tools, spare inner tube, etc. that you have.  Dress for the weather.

Please reach at if you’d like to volunteer to lead a group road ride.

Here are some examples of road bike routes that we may do:

Cochrane and vicinity road bike routes

Canmore and Banff road bike routes

Calgary road bike routes

Ladies Group MTB Rides!

Join Cindy on Thursday evenings! All levels welcome (must have some mountain bike experience and be comfortable on dirt trails) to join us on this no-drop fun and friendly all ladies group rides. We’ll start at the Cochrane Ranche (meet by Cochrane Historical & Preservation Society beside the parking lot off the 1A) and possibly end at a local Coffee shop for some post ride social time (be sure to bring a lock!). This group ride is a great way to explore trails in Cochrane, and get to know other like minded ladies.

Please reach out to with any questions.

daytime Group Rides

Join Ed on Thursdays at 11am for a Daytime Group Ride, new this year! We are excited to offer a Group Ride during a weekday, hosted by Board Member Ed. This ride is open to all abilities, and e-bikes are welcome. They will be easy rides around the local pathways with a stop for coffee/snacks at the end.

This is a no drop ride, the group will stick together.

Please reach out to with any questions.