Posts tagged Bike society
Paul's 'Wheeling and Walking' blog - Active Transportation

Hi there,

Welcome back to a new year of wheeling and walking around Cochrane. As Bike Cochrane prepares for our presentation to the Town of Cochrane, the Active Transportation Committee felt that it would be useful to share some of the context around our research with our membership.

As discussed in my last post, we’ve been analyzing Strava Metro’s data of cyclists, runners, and walking users in Cochrane to get a better sense of where people are using our spaces. We’ve also been researching our town’s Capital planning documents to get a sense of where they’ll be investing taxpayers’ money in the coming years. In addition, we’ve also been digging deeper into the Cochrane Bicycling Network Plan 2012 to see where our user needs and our town’s infrastructure needs align.

This has resulted in a summary of projects or ‘top 10’ as David Letterman used to present. The Active Transportation Committee took the top 10 projects outlined within the bicycle network plan, and began to scope out the construction costs of some of the projects using some of the Town’s budgetary numbers from Capital Budgets along with numbers from construction projects we could get our hands on.  Then we took a swag at the number of people helped by a given project.  For some regional pathway connections like in Heritage, this would be pulled from the latest published Census figures from 2019 for that neighbourhood.  For some projects like on the Bow River Pathway, this benefits the whole town, and so the entire population shows up in the people helped column. 

While this isn’t a perfect metric as we don’t have a good sense of how MANY people are actually using an existing trail network, it’s a pretty good starting look at how these projects would stack up.  The larger projects like underpasses and overpasses would wind up towards the bottom, not because they’re not important, but because they’re expensive.  One project near the bottom is a proposed underpass under the new highway 22 interchange that would allow cycle and pedestrian traffic access from the largest community in Sunset to what will be our largest outdoor space once the Horse Creek Park is complete.  What’s nice about this methodology though is that it helps to put some structure around WHY a given project would get pushed towards the top of the Capital Projects Budget.  A new proposed project could be given a similar metric and see where it falls so that we can discuss why it may be more or less important than others.

While the result is a bit of an eye chart, looking at the top 4 projects here, we see a project to make the Bow River Pathway safer, one to allow the newly repaired Railway Street to operate as a safer corridor for cyclists, a new multi-use pathway along Griffin Road, and completing the paving project of Glenbow Park, something that the Town’s Parks department has proposed previously.

Now this metric is just using population data.  What if we could actually count how many people use a pathway or an area?

In my next post, I’ll review our thinking on the Bow River Pathway space and some of our community’s comments on that space. Then, I’ll touch on what Strava Metro data brings to this discussion.

As always, if you want to help, or have comments, please email me at

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2021 Goals + Projects, Corporate Memberships + More

Happy Holidays to our Bike Friendly Community!

We have lots of exciting plans for 2021, and we wanted you all to be informed on what we've been working on. There's a lot of info here, be sure to read to the end.

Just a reminder to all of our 2020 Members that your membership is about to expire, and you’ll stop receiving our member communication and perks.  You can renew online by clicking this link.

We have created a Corporate Membership Structure as well, for the business community to be able to support us while giving their employees some perks. If you would like to chat more about these, please email us. Purchase your Corporate Membership by clicking here

Why support Bike Cochrane by purchasing a Membership?

As we work with stakeholders to develop trails and improve bicycle connectivity, one of the questions we are asked every time is how many people we represent.  If nothing else, membership in Bike Cochrane gives us a mandate to advocate on your behalf. The more members we represent, the more grant opportunities open up to us as well. 

You also :

  • Support trail maintenance, remediation, construction and cycling advocacy as a whole within the town of Cochrane

  • Keep the bike park insured

  • Have access to Participate in Bike Cochrane events

  • Receive 10% off Accessories, Parts and Clothing at Big Hill Cycle

  • Have voting Rights at our AGM

What are we working on for 2021?

We have created three working committees to help focus our efforts and accomplish more. Here's what they've been up to for the past few months.

2021 Goal: Accomplish a meaningful improvement in active transportation.

The Active Transportation Committee of Bike Cochrane is working with the Town of Cochrane to prioritize cycling infrastructure projects for connectivity in our town.  We have reviewed the existing 2012 Bicycle Plan for Cochrane, researched the best methods globally for implementing cycling infrastructure and gathered existing traffic data to understand the gaps and weaknesses in Cochrane’s transportation network.  

2021 will see Bike Cochrane 

  • Present as a delegation to the Town of Cochrane’s Town Council in January,

  •  Pilot a traffic study of cyclists in the winter, 

  • Build out a traffic study plan for the summer to better understand usage on our multi-use pathways.  

This will also involve Bike Cochrane working with the Town to write provincial and federal grants in order to fund these infrastructure projects.  Stay tuned to Bike Cochrane’s Active Transportation Committee Blog to see project priorities, and to participate in surveys designed to better understand cycling usage in Cochrane.

If you have some time, we'd love for you to complete this 1 minute survey to help us better understand your cycling needs around town. Click here for Survey


2021 Goal: Accomplish our first officially recognized mountain bike trail in Cochrane.

In 2020 Bike Cochrane established a relationship with The Town of Cochrane - Parks Department to do our first volunteer trail remediation work at the Ranche and we plan to keep the momentum rolling into 2021 to do more trail improvements within the Ranche to help better the trail for all users

We are in discussions with stakeholders and private land owners in Cochrane to scope the possibility of allowing access or developing trails.  While we are not in a position to provide more detail at this time, we are optimistic that we will have progress here and achieve our 2021 trail goal by summer in time to have our members biking on trails this year.


2021 Goal:  Ensure we improve engagement with our membership and community, and involve them in our planning.  


The community engagement committee is excited to have created a winter speaker series, which will only be available, at no cost, to all Bike Cochrane members. If you're a member, watch your inbox for a signup link. Speakers include:

Jason Pohl, Canadian Professional Triathlete  - December 29th 
Performance mindset, the source of confidence; the better you feel, the more confidence you have to produce amazing results in your life. To join this exciting chat you can RSVP at the following link. 

Richard Shoebridge, Olympian (former World Record Holder) and Elite Zwift E-Racer - January 9th
Take your riding fitness to the next level with E-Racing/riding – How to set up your pain cave for year-
round training and racing, and how to get involved with Zwift riding.

Shane Campbell, Owner/Sales Manager, Big Hill Cycle - Date TBD
Part 1: Layering for year-round bike enjoyment.

Calvin Zaryski, Head Coach, Critical Speed Racing Team - Date TBD
The science behind high performance. How to train for success.

Tim Lomenda, Owner, Big Hill Cycle - Date TBD
Part 2: Bike maintenance for safety and performance.

Russ Colnett, Owner, Fixes and Fit Cycling Analysis Studio - Date TBD
Bike fit for optimal performance and injury prevention.

Richelle Love and Rose Serpico, Owners, TRI IT Multisport - Date TBD
Sports nutrition for a healthy and vibrant lifestyle.


The Community Engagement Committee is also working on a Bike Rodeo for spring 2021, which will involve cycling for all ages and styles, all around town. We plan to have kid races, guide-led adult group rides, bike maintenance talk, bike safety talk from Cochrane RCMP, Bike Park Demo and more. We envision this to be a town wide event to kick off the 2021 Cycling season and showcase how great our Cycling community is. We also plan to make this COVID-friendly so no matter where Alberta is with restrictions, we plan to go ahead with our rodeo!

Volunteer Positions Available

Communication Coordinator – Do you ever read these newsletters and think “Oh man, I could write better than that!”  Well, we probably agree!  We are still looking for some help to ensure that the Bike Cochrane membership stays informed with regular updates of our progress and upcoming events. 

Toques Arriving This Week

We are expecting our new Bike Cochrane Toques in the next couple of day, they will be available for purchase at Bike Bros and Big Hill Cycle. See a sneak peek at the bottom of this email. Toques are priced at $35.00/ea.Watch our social channels for arrival. You can pair them with a membership for $70/Individual and $110/Family.

2021 is going to be a very exciting and rewarding year for the cycling community in Cochrane. With your support we hope to accomplish all of our goals and continue towards a community connected through cycling.

Merry Christmas from us to all of you.

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Memberships, Sweaters + More

Online Membership Drive!

Memberships are now available online! Support the growth of a bike-friendly community in Cochrane by renewing or purchasing your 2021 membership.  As we work with stakeholders to develop trails and improve bicycle connectivity, one of the questions we are asked every time is how many people we represent.  If nothing else, membership in Bike Cochrane gives us a mandate to advocate on your behalf.  Online membership is here:

Anybody who purchases a Bike Cochrane membership before December 15th will be entered into a free draw for one of these 7 prizes, generously donated by local businesses (thank you!).

For an extra entry, snap a screenshot of your purchase and share it on Instagram or Facebook and tag @bikecochrane. Winners will be drawn at random on December 16th and will be contacted by email. Incase you don't follow us on Instagram yet, click here:

Check out the new Bike Cochrane Sweatshirt - Great Christmas Present (wink wink)

This cozy blue crewneck is a limited edition, available by pre-order only.  Membership + Sweatshirt bundle is available.  Order by December 1st! You can pair your sweater purchase with your Bike Cochrane Membership and receive a discount. Sweaters will be ready for pick-up by mid-December.

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Speaker Series

Thanks to Jeremy Wadell, and our Community Engagement Committee, there will be a monthly speaker series starting up for the Winter months, only available to Bike Cochrane members.  Topics include bike fitting, sports nutrition and more. Look for  e-vites coming to your inbox – and RSVP to get a meeting link.  

Upcoming Events

Bike Cochrane will be presenting as a delegation to Cochrane Town Council in January 2021.  Let us know what is important to you.

Volunteer Positions Available

Communication Coordinator – Do you ever read these newsletters and think “Oh man, I could write better than that!”  Well, we probably agree!  Still looking for some help to ensure that the Bike Cochrane membership stays informed with regular updates of our progress and upcoming events. 

Bike Park Manager – You may have seen the fencing went up around the LaunchPad Bike Park in October.  We have had questions about whether the park can open on snow free days, and when in the spring it might be open again more regularly.  Right now, we are still looking for a volunteer who can help coordinate the management of the park.  We need an owner in this role or it will be challenging to keep the park open through changing weather.

Thank you for your continued support!
Bike Cochrane

2020 Membership Drive + Silent Auction

What’s better than drinking a pint and hanging out with a room full of cyclists?! Supporting cycling in your community while drinking a pint with a room full of cyclists! Join us on November 26th, 2019 at Cochrane Coffee Traders as we open memberships for Bike Cochrane to the public, as well as showcase a really great selection of Silent Auction items for you to bid on, with all proceeds going directly to help raise the rest of the funds required to finish the bike park off in the spring.

We have an exclusive membership deal available that night which includes: 1 Membership, 1 Pint, 1 T-Shirt and 1 heck of a good time for just $50.00! Oh, and each membership purchase gets you a chance at some epic door prizes!

What does a membership to Bike Cochrane get you? Great question. Memberships help, not only pay for things like Insurance for our trails and parks, but gives us a better chance at gaining access to grants by showing them that we have supporters and users who will benefit from the infrastructure we plan to build with their grant funds. The more members we have who support our club through purchasing membership AND volunteer hours, the better our chances of being granted much needed funding.

If you enjoy cycling, and you live in Cochrane, you’re going to want to be here. Can’t make it, no sweat, we’ll have memberships available for purchase at Bike Bros after November 26th.

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Our Silent Auction and door prize items include items from Giant, Garmin, 4iiii, Rudy Project, Kids Bikes Canada, Alberta 66, Rogelli, Cochrane Sport Physio, Winsport, The Study, Peregrine Glassworks, The Beer Den AND MORE!!