May 2019 Newsletter

Hello Bike Cochrane Supporters,

It’s almost June and I wanted to catch everyone up on our recent progress.  The positive response to Bike Cochrane has been overwhelming and I want to share how grateful we are for everyone’s support getting things started up.  In the last two months we have been meeting nearly weekly and the big news is that the team has more than doubled with volunteers taking on grant writing, mapping, and event planning.

There has never been a better time than now for building a bike friendly culture in Cochrane.  We have been invited to discussions about how cycling can connect future developments, provided input for future facilities, and felt throughout that we are answering an important and recognized need in the community.  I am truly excited about what the future of cycling in Cochrane looks like, but we have to build it.


Here's some quick updates.


Bike Park Progress

We are closer than ever to realizing the dream of turning this patch of gravel into a bike park for families right in the center of town.

Our development application was accepted by the Town of Cochrane and we are expecting feedback in the first week of June. 


Fundraising has been going well, with substantial support from local Cochrane individuals, businesses and charitable foundations providing the cash needed to get us to critical mass. Much of this wouldn’t be possible without the awesome fundraising team. Thank you!

This month we received two grants $13,000 from the Totem Charitable Foundationand $1700 from the Town of Cochrane Community Grant, as well as approx. $3000 from 100 Men Who Give a Damn!, and to date have approximately $45,000 in cash and equipment donations pledged.  We are almost half way to our goal!

While we continue to raise funds, and write grant applications, we are expanding our focus now to raise donations of building materials and trucking.  In particular we are looking for lumber, clean fill, and feature rocks

We need some help! If we could get some volunteer help from someone with logistics or project management, it would help support the team as we start preparing for the construction phase. 

If all goes according to plan, we are looking at construction beginning in August.  Interested in helping?  Please reply to this email. 

We made a website! 

Like bikes? Yea, us too.

We made a map!

Big props to the Bike Cochrane Mapping team.  To support Cochrane Tourism, we put together a complete map of the bike trails that already exist in Cochrane. 

This is a great tool for us to share with citizens and visitors alike, and it is the start of building out a vision for a community connected by biking. Keep and eye out for an online version in the near future.

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Half Hitch Charity Beer of the Month

Do you enjoy having a beer once in a while?  Yea, us too.  Half Hitch was ground zero for our first planning meeting a year ago, and our kick off in February.  Starting June 1st, we are honored to be chosen for Charity Brew for the month of June. A portion of the  proceeds from Papa Bear sales across Alberta will benefit Bike Cochrane.  Tell your friends!  Every beer gets us closer to a bike park.

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Cochrane Tourism event June 8th & 9th

Bike Cochrane Society has partnered with Cochrane Tourism Association in their Explore Cochrane event on June 8th and 9th, to bring you a family friendly cycling tour, using our extensive trail systems, which includes our brand new trail map, a picnic lunch from Cuore Di Mamma - Italian Food Store and a cool buff, for just $15! All proceeds from this tour go directly to Bike Cochrane and our efforts to get more cycling infrastructure in town.

Get your tickets here:

Save the Date - June 16th

Looking for a fun way to spend Father’s Day? Join Bike Cochrane at Half Hitch Brewery in Cochrane on June 16th to kick off summer and celebrate our Charity Brew partnership. Watch our social channels for more information. 

See you out there on bikes, in Cochrane.  


Ross Stirling, President
Bike Cochrane Society

Shanna Cremers